author.Ink royalties

We Pay:

66% of all revenue we receive for your book. If you keep your book with us after the initial three years of rights that rate rises to 80%.

We Pay:

Monthly on or around the 15th of the month. (Minimum payment threshold of $25.00) Each payment is accompanied by a clear statement which will show you the number of sales and revenue from each platform. (I.e., Apple Vs. Amazon.) (Foreign authors paid by wire transfer or Paypal.)

Fastest Payouts in the industry:

You will get your first payment from us in the month after we publish. No 90 (or 120) day waits. If you publish in January, you get your first check from us in February.

What about upcharges, hidden charges, or special Fees:

We try to make our process as transparent and fair as possible. We do not hit you with any special fees (i.e, accounting statement fees) whatsoever. You receive a full set of marketing images in different sizes with different promotional texts as part of your package (typically at least 60 images). If you desire a second set of images, we charge $100 for the package. We also will switch your book from “wide” distribution to Amazon Select only once a year at no charge.

Occasionally we get an opportunity for special paid advertising, particularly BookBub. Authors will be given the option of having us submit your book to Bookbub, and if we get a BookBub promotion for your title, the author pays for this. These charges vary a great deal depending on genre. We will not submit your title to Bookbub (or similar services) without your authorization and without your understanding how much the charge will be if your book is accepted.

Rights Reversion:

Our contracts ask for three years of rights. If you choose to leave your title with us after three years, your royalty rate rises to 80%. If you choose to take your rights back at the three year point, all of your files (including your formatted ebook and cover) belong to you. The only exception is the ISBN - you may not use an ISBN if you republish.


Distribution is a complex topic, and recommended distribution channels vary hugely depending on genre. Author. ink generally prefers to publish directly to Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo, and distribute to a wide number of additional channels (including libraries) through Draft 2Digital. We also offer authors “Amazon” only publication, which allows books to be offered in Kindle Select (i.e., KDP) Our experience shows this is often better for fiction authors. We also can list your book for preorder. Options will be explained more fully after contracts are signed.